What’s in a name?

Logomarque, logomark, logo, logotype —what does any of this actually mean?

Well, firstly this site is called logomarque rather than the english spelling of ‘logomark’ because I am an Englishman based in Paris and we rosbifs love a bit of franglais don’t we?

Secondly there are some definitions of the genre that are often confused.

Essentially, a logomark is an icon or symbol that is intended to project the brand values and aspirations of a company without the need of a text based name. Think Apple, Nike or Adidas amongst others.

A logotype —often called a wordmark— is stylised text representing a brand’s name or company, used for recognition and branding in logos, without additional symbols or icons.

Here on logomarque.com you’ll find a selection of logomarks, logotypes and combination marks that have been developed by Craftyfish as the first step in the branding process.