Hmmn logo I love you!

Bordeaux, FRANCE.
A logo to celebrate the 4th anniversary of Automotive Cells Company (ACC). Principally used on internal communications and goodies; notebooks, drink flasks, pens, t-shirts etc…
As should be the case with every good logo(mark/type) there’s a thought process and reasoning behind its form. The structure is telling us a story.
The logo takes its design cues from a battery’s positive and negative terminals to form a stylised number ‘4’ which emanates positivity and confidence in the future.
The underlying message “We are 4“ is reinforced by integrating other brand elements such as 4 ACC ellipses in the principal brand colours; Fresh Green, Golden Yellow, Electric Blue and Sky Blue.
You could be forgiven for thinking it’s giving out 8-ball vibes, and that is a great analogy too. However, I like to think of it more as a representation of a molecular-level kinetic object resonating with energy, constantly changing its form depending on its environment.
—The future beckons.